Saturday, May 2, 2015

50's style dress

Hey all,
I haven't been getting much sewing done lately, but I did finish this 50's style dress - and just in time for the warm weather (that's hopefully coming soon, right? :P)... So nothing geeky this time, but I promise there will be a geek-themed sewing project coming soon!

My dear friend Stormiina hosted a Blast from the Past themed party, so naturally I had to whip up something to honor the 1950's. I mean, it's not like I have enough 50's style dresses... *ahem* :D

Without further ado, here it is:

Naturally I had to do makeup and hair to go with the dress:

*blows kisses*

The first three photos are taken by Stormiina, the following ones are courtesy of self-timer + my phone (which was standing on my clothes drying rack and leaning on a box - I can get very innovative when I need to take photos :D).

I added a cutout and a cute bow in the back.

So, what do you think? :)



  1. Nätti mekko :) Ja kiva lisä tuo rusetti!

    1. Kiitos ^_^
      Ja se rusetti oli hetken mielijohde, kun olis muuten jäänyt tohon yläselkään ikävästi sauma näkyviin, mutta tykkään itsekin lopputuloksesta :D
