Tuesday, July 7, 2015

DIY Doctor Who Weeping Angel top (tutorial)

Hey everyone!
So this time I found a fun tie-dye style fabric from Salvation Army secondhand store for 2 euros. The fabric is a four-way-stretch knit and soft as a dream.

So, without further ado, here's a tutorial on how to make your own top using an overlocker. (Have I told you how much I love my overlock machine? Because I do. If I weren't married I'd probably marry it or something.) No pattern needed. You can also do the same with a sewing machine, using a zigzag stitch or a stretch stitch, but I love how neat the result is when using an overlocker.

I took a top that's sort of similar stretchy fabric and fits me well:

I checked that the fabric was the right way (even with four-way stretch the fabric stretches more crosswise than lengthwise. You want the stretch to go sideways, not top-to-bottom.) I then folded the top and set it on the fold of the fabric:

Then I cut the front piece (leaving a small seam allowance):

I used the front piece to cut out the back piece (leaving the neckline a bit higher in the back):

So then I had my pieces ready:

I put the pieces together, right side to right side, and sewed the shoulders and sides together with my overlocker:

You can also use a sewing machine, just use a small zigzag stitch or a stretch stitch.

To finish the hem, armholes and neckline, I measured how long strip I'd need for each:

Then I cut strips of fabric:

From top to bottom: armhole, armhole, neckline, hem.

I had the strips folded in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. I then flipped these in half to sew them into loops. Immediately after I'd done this, I realized I should have first sewn the strips into loops and only then folded them in half, because that would have gotten me a nicer finish, but meh... Onwards! Here are my loops:

So what you do with the loop? You place it on the neckline/armhole/hem right sides together, so that you have all three raw edges (two of the loop and one of the hole you're attaching the loop to) together. Like here, the top is the right way around and the hem loop placed on it so that the raw edges are on top of each other:

Then you sew or serge over the raw edges. Flip the loop down, iron over it if needed, and you have a nice finish to your shirt:


So I wanted to add a print on the top, so I chose to do a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who.

I used this stencil:

I found the stencil on Google and I think it's by Stickees.biz? They have an etsy shop with decals and stuff.

Anyway, I drew the picture on self-adhesive book cover and then cut it out using an X-acto knife and small scissors.

I assembled the angel on the shirt:

I mixed up some black, white and pearl fabric colors to get a sort of shiny gray, and carefully dabbed it onto the stencil:

I removed the self-adhesive and let the paint dry, then ironed over it to set the color...

...and promptly realized that the Angel couldn't be distinguished from its background very well after the paint had dried and set. So I then drew over it in black fabric paint marker.


I let the black paint dry, ironed over it and the top was finished!

And this is what the final product looks like on me:


So, what do you think of the top? :) Let me know in the comments! And if you have any questions regarding how I made the top, just ask and I'll try my best to explain (I know my tutorials aren't as clear as they probably should be...)

Lately I've done a lot of skirts and stuff that isn't fandom-related, so I was thinking about doing a post where I sort of lump all those together, but we'll see if I get around that soon. But I have a few fandom-related ideas as well which I'm hoping to get done in the near future. Stay tuned!



  1. Replies
    1. Pidä toinen silmä aina auki kun räpytät toista, pystyy räpyttämään silmiä vuorotellen :D

  2. Nätti toppi. :) Ja näyttää helpolta tehdänkin. Oon joskus miettinyt tekeväni paidan samalla tavalla, käyttäen vanhaa kaavana, mutta koskahan siihen asti pääsisin :D Mut jos se päivä joskus vielä koittaa, niin epätoivon iskiessä voin aina palata tähän postaukseen. Että joku muukin on tässä onnistunut ;)

    1. Kiitos!
      Joo tollanen on kyllä suhteellisen helppo tehdä. Kannattaa valita kangas joka joustaa tarpeeksi, tai sitten leikata palat hiukan isommiksi kuin alkuperäinen toppi. :)
