Sunday, October 11, 2015

DIY hoodie dress (without hood...)

Hey guys,
I've been super busy with my studies lately - so busy I haven't had any time to sew! (Cue sadface. D:) Now we finally have a break for one week, and so I immediately dug out my serger and sewing machine and got sewing (and shhhh - don't remind me of the extra assignments I have to complete over the break, okay?)

I found this amazing extremely soft gray jersey from a secondhand store for 2 euros:

It has a two-way stretch and the back of the fabric is like touching a fluffy piece of cloud or something. I knew I needed to make something comfy out of it for winter.

I decided to try out a kind of a hoodie dress - only without the hood. A sweater dress? I don't know the terminology here but whatever. It's basically a hoodie without the hood, with extra length so it's a dress. :D

I made a pattern using a loose-fitting raglan sleeve t-shirt dress.

Or well, it's supposed to be a dress but since I'm a giant for me it's just a long t-shirt. So I added some length.

I cut out a front piece and back piece:

And then some sleeves:

I used the t-shirt dress to figure out the part that was going to be attached to the front and back pieces, and then simply measured my arm for length.

I cut out two sleeves like this:

The shorter edge of the sleeve attaches to the front piece and the longer to the back.

Sleeve placed on the front piece, right sides together, so when you flip it open it looks like in the right-side picture.

I sewed the sleeves onto the front piece, then onto the back piece, and then I had this:

It looked weird before I flipped the pieces together on the fold of the sleeves (right sides together) and pinned. I then sewed along the red lines.

Then I had this:

Time to make a collar/cowl/whatever.

I cut out this weird-looking piece (times 2) and sewed them right sides together on the red line, then flipped open so the seams were on the inside.

I attached this, right sides and raw edges together, onto the neckline:

The collar thing was longer than the neckline (on purpose), so after sewing the collar onto the neckline I attached the overlapping pieces together with two buttons.

Then I finished the raw edges of the sleeves and the hem with some lighter gray stretchy fabric (because I ran out of the original fabric).

I then used the lighter gray fabric to make a front pocket:

I sewed two identical pieces together right side to right side, leaving a gap where the pins are and turned the pocket piece inside out. I figured out the placement of the pocket on the dress and sewed it on, closing the gap in the process.

So, how does the finished piece look on me?

Pretty damn awesome, if I say so myself. Also, it is so soft and warm, oh my god. ♥

I can't wait until it gets cold enough so I can snuggle up in this amazing piece of clothing. ♥

So, what do you guys think of the dress? :)



  1. Ah, ihana. Kaulus on todella mielenkiintoinen!

    1. Kiitos! Joo tuo kaulus oli vähän sellainen kokeilu ja olin ihan varma että joudun purkamaan ja tekemään jonkun toisenlaisen kaulusratkaisun, mutta siitä tulikin ihan kiva :D

  2. Kiva on. Etenkin kaulus on tosi kivan näköinen. Hyvä, onnistunut, kokeilu :)

  3. ihana! tajusin justiin, että tarvitsen itsekin jonkun talvisen college- tmv. mekon.

    1. Kiitos! Joo college- ja neulemekot on ihania talvivaatteita <3
