I've still been busy-busy-busy, but I did manage to finally make the Marvel/Avengers themed dress. I'd had the pieces cut out for... what, a month? But only now I had the time to sew the dress together and add a nice picture... It's partially stencil, partially free-hand drawn pattern. This is my first time free-handing something on fabric, so it's a bit of a practice piece, but I think it turned out okay.
I didn't take pictures of the dress-making process, because it's pretty much the same as before. Cut out pieces, make a lining, sew everything together... This time I added sleeves inspired by this dress.
Here's the dress:
I then drew my stencil:
The stencil was more than a bit inspired by this neat piece of art. The swirly bits are pretty much straight from it. I chose a silhouette of Loki with a slightly different angle of the head, though.
I cut out the head and the birds, but not the swirls, because that would have been a pain. Then I attached the stencil onto the dress and painted over in green. Of course in green. It's Loki.
Once I'd painted over the stencil, I pulled the self-adhesive off and let the paint dry a bit. Then I took a small paintbrush and drew the swirls as I best could. I added a few birds, too.
And voilà!
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. It's sort of subtle but then again screaming fandom. Just the way I like it.
So, what do you think? :)
PS. If you have wishes/suggestions as to what I should do next, please comment! :)